Innocent Interpretations

In this on-going interactive series, I work on innocent and playful interpretation of technologies and algorithms.
This is what the technology sees, This is innocent. But is it?

A video demonstrating the project.

In this discourse of "Technopoly" the role technology is demonized but without any rhetoric. I wanted to show -"Ok! This is what the technology can see. What is next?"

Without any dichotomous positions, I wanted to open up the discourse by asking questions about the need and role of these technologies in our life. So, I worked on these technologies to gather the extent of data they capture. This data was then creatively interpreted to make these interactive 'Data Mirrors'. Technology presents a mirror of some sorts trying to tell us something from its 'innocent' perspective what it sees. It is a means of playful exploration of self.

In the initial work, I explored face and emotion recognition technologies to create an interactive mirror that shows the viewer what the technology sees. It could be like talking to the child.

These explorations were triggered by my reading of Niel Postman's Technopoly. I highly recommend the last chapter.

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. – Camus

I would be interested in any collaborations around this.

Made by Rohit using Tachyons, Vuejs, and some "Pipas con café". Check out the Colophon to know more.