नमस्ते/ Hello/ 你好/ ¡Hola! I am Rohit !
I am a designer and an engineer who believes in the power of design to generate rational
the present and probable. I try to approach design as a dialogue with problems through diverse
mediums. I practice "design by doing" flexing my muscles in both — engineering and design. I
like to build and create
things for creative inquiry with a research focus.
I have made things from electronic
matchsticks to a solar
car that have crossed the entire Australian continent. Some of my work goes in cars
used by
about 3,70,000 people. I have experience in working in multi-disciplinary and
multi-cultural international design and product teams.
I have won awards like CHI-17 Best Student Design Award, Best Interaction Design Student, IIT
Bombay, Yahoo!Japan Hack-U Best Hack, and some
I am looking for work at the cross-roads
of design, technology, and research.
Since October 2018, I am working as a design and technology fellow with the Digital Design
Lab, IED Innovation Lab under Istituto
Europeo di Design, Madrid.

2019 – Present
Designer and Technologist at Propelland, Madrid, Spain
2018 – 2019
Design and Technology Fellow at IED Innovation Lab, Madrid, Spain
2016 – 2018
Graduate Teaching Assistant,
eKalpa Project at IDC School of Design under Prof. Ravi
2014 – 2016
Assistant Manager - Human Machine Interaction
Tata Motors Engineering and Research Center, Pune
2018 – 2019
Masters in Digital Design (by Internship),
Digital Design Lab, Istituto
Europeo di Design, Madrid
2016 – 2018
Masters in Interaction Design,
IDC School of Design,
IIT Bombay
2010 – 2014
Bachelors in Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University
- 2018 — "Nature Embedded" at National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, India
- 2017 —“Who you are is what you get” at Interact 2017, Mumbai, India
- 2015 — Talk on “Using open-source tools to get started with MSP430 microcontrollers” at Makerfest 2015.
- 2015 — Talk on “Prototype to Production” at Thoughtworks, Pune
- 2019 — Masters Consortium presentation at Ninth International Symposium on communicability , computer graphics, and innovative design for interactive systems (CCGIDIS 2019).
- 2019 — Threads - Exploring generative complexity through digital threads in an innocent world at function() fest, Mallorca, Spain.
- Gupta, R., Vidyanta, U., & Murali, S. (2019, Jan) LOCAL: Online visibility for local shopkeepers through participatory geo-information systems. Accepted for presentation in 7th International Conference on Research Into Design
- Gupta,R. & Dalvi, G (2018, May). FAND: A shareable haptic foot interface device. In IEEE Serious Games and Application to Health 2018, Vienna, Austria. Paper presented by self at the conference.
- Padhi D.R., Gupta R. (2017) IVR Wizard of OZ Field Experiment with Less-Literate Telecom Customers. In: Bernhaupt R., Dalvi G., Joshi A., K. Balkrishan D., O’Neill J., Winckler M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction -INTERACT 2017. INTERACT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10516. Springer, Cham
- Gupta,R. (2017,October). Who you are is what you get - A reflection on objectivity and bias in information search. In Adjunct proceedings of the 2017 Interact Conference (pp 99-101). IDC
- Gupta, R., Vidyanta, U., & Murali, S. (2017, May). Paisa Stick: Tangible Cur- rency Interface for Cashless Transactions. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 60-66). ACM. [Best Student Design Award]
- Singh, J., Gupta, R., & Rizwan, M. (2013, April). Ultra Low Power and Cost Effective Wireless Instrumentation and Telemetry Support System for Solar Mobility Applications. In India Educators’ Conference (TIIEC), 2013 Texas Instruments(pp. 374-378). IEEE.
- Kesari, J. P., Singh, J., Singh, S. K., & Gupta, R. (2012). Development of a Solar Electric Hybrid Vehicle (No. 2012-28-0025). SAE Technical Paper.
- 2018— Global € 25.000 Scholarship to work with Digital Design Lab, IED Madrid for research on affective interactions
- 2018—Best Student Award - Interaction Design at IDC School of Design
- 2018—Best Office Bearer, Department Placement Co-ordinator, IIT Bombay
- 2017—Winner, Student Design Competition at CHI 2017 for Paisa Stick.
- 2016—Winner, Yahoo! Japan HackU! 2016 Hackathon
- 2016—Winner, Student Design Contest, India HCI 2016.
- 2015—Runner Up- Intel IOT HackaThon, Pune, India
- 2014—2nd Prize Autodesk Instructables Build My Lab Contest
- 2011—Member of the first ever Indian contingent to World Solar Challenge 2011, Australia - A 3000 km cross continent race of solar cars.
Cycling, Reading, Walking, Bookbinding, Gardening, Cooking, Hiking, and Tinkering
Maps, Mirrors, and Clocks